
Want to sponsor us? Here's what we offer!


Sponsorship Tier What We Expect What We Offer
Title Sponsor One or more of:
  • Cash Prize
  • Merchandise for all participants
  • Logistical Aid
Worth INR 50,000+
  • Advertisement during:
    • Inaugural ceremony
    • Evaluation assemblies
    • Closing ceremony
  • Logo and/or name on event banner
  • Logo and/or name online
  • 1 Seminar slot or Inaugural Speech
  • 1 Problem Statemen
Merchandise Sponsor One or more of:
  • Merchandise:
    • For all participants
    • For a particular category of participants
  • Logistical Aid Worth INR 20,000+
  • Advertisement during
    • Inaugural ceremony
    • Closing ceremony
  • Logo and/or name on event banner
  • Logo and/or name online
Solutions Partner One or more of:
  • Merchandise
  • Logistical Aid
Worth INR 40,000+ (and Judges for Evaluation)
  • Advertisement during:
    • Inaugural ceremony
    • Closing ceremony
  • Logo and/or name on event banner
  • Logo and/or name online
  • 1 Problem Statement
Customisable Sponsorship
  • One or more of:
    • Cash Prize
    • Merchandise
    • Logistical Aid


Expectations we have and what we offer in exchange for certain categories of sponsorship

Classes of deliverables from sponsors


Winner INR 50,000 + Goodies
1st Runner Up INR 30,000 + Goodies
2nd Runner Up INR 20,000 + Goodies
3rd Runner Up INR 10,000 + Goodies

One or more of these prizes may be sponsored at once.

Sponsors have the option to give a prize for their own proposed problem statements.


Sponsoring goodies to be distributed amongst participating teams, some including

  • T-Shirts
  • Gift Hamper
  • Stickers
  • Stationery
  • Custom Mugs

These items may be sponsored either for all or a particular section of participants

Logistical Aid (Management materials):

Sponsoring logistics and material charges including but not limited to:

  • Technical Equipment
  • Rental Equipment charge

Classes of deliverables from organiser

Advertisement during the hackathon:

The sponsor's details, as specified by the sponsoring party, shall be announced during the hackathon. The frequency of the advertisement is specified in the summary table.

Logo and/or Name on Event Banner:

The sponsor's logo and/or name, provided by the sponsoring party, shall be displayed as part of the event banner.

Logo and/or Name online:

The sponsor's logo and/or name, provided by the sponsoring party, shall be displayed along with posts related to the hackathon on platforms including:

  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • X/Twitter
  • WhatsApp
  • Hackathon Website
  • Community Page - Google Developer Student Clubs Amity University Mumbai

Seminar Slot (1 to 1.5 hour duration):

The sponsor may conduct a speaker session with the participating teams during the hackathon. One session may be up to one hour long. There may only be 2 such sessions throughout the event. One sponsor may opt to take one or both of these sessions.

Choosing a problem statement:

The sponsor may select a problem statement to be featured during the hackathon. Participating teams of a particular domain shall then propose solutions to this problem statement.

MOUs with Company:

The sponsor, upon agreement, may enter into Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with our university to formalise and strengthen our collaboration, creating a long-term partnership beyond the hackathon.